zaterdag 2 april 2011

*insert very cool blog name here*

So, this is my first real post, which means that this will be what this blog is gonna be like.
No grammar or spelling check (cause I'm just too lazy for that), but still understandable (I hope). In my other blogs its all about my books and here its basically about everything else. Starting with some music today.There are sooooo many artist I like that this probably wont be my only music-related post, but its just the first in (whats gonna be) a long list =P

To really start now, this post will be about one artist in particular I really like; Skye Sweetnam. I dont think any of you know her, but that's about to change.
Skye is a 22 year old rock-chick with a totally unique style in singing as well as in the way she looks. I absolutely love her hair by the way.

She's a Canadian singer-songwriter, actress and music video director! Super talented I'd say. Skye's debut-single was called "Billy S" which stands for Billy (William) Shakespeare. In the song Skye says things like: "I dont need to read Billy Shakespeare". Only the song didn't get popular; the best it got was a place in the French top 100, as number 92.

About a year after that 
Skye's first album came out, called "Noise from the Basement" with songs like: Tangled Up in Me, Number One and Billy S. And about two years after that, she got nominated for a Juno Award for New Artist of the Year.

Well, thats the general info, but what I want to tell you is more about Skye's second album: Sound Soldier, which came out in 2007. There are four songs on it I love already: Human, Music is My Boyfriend, Boyhunter and My Favorite Tune. Boyhunter uses the same track as the song "Damn" by Katy Perry, a bonus track of Katy's first album "One of the Boys". Where Katy's song is totally pop, Skye's version is more a pop/dance/rock mix and totally awesome. The other three songs are also a mix of the same genres, but they're all different. My advice is to check all of them out! ;)
Music is My Boyfriend:
My Favorite Tune:

And all her other songs are worth checking out as well, so do it! ;)

Well, that was the first music-related post, tell me what you think!


zondag 27 maart 2011

This Blog

Hey PartyPeople!!

This blog I've created to let you know everything about me; how crazy I am, what music I listen to, what movies/tv-shows I watch, what happens in my life and everything else I can think of.

As you may have guessed by now, this blog is going to be a total outburst of everything I do and think. It's going to be totally unorganized and A LOT OF FUN!! 

For people staying with me; I hope you can handle me and my head, because I can't ;)

I think that's all for today, but don't worry; I'll be back! Or maybe you should worry, for that very reason.. Anyway, BYE!

p.s. Be sure to check out my other blogs: and last, but not least

Oh, and not to forget; one of one of my friends (but I'm officially part of it as well):


Song of the week: Past My Shades - B.O.B. ft Lupe Fiasco

Now I'm really done, promise! 